Sclera tattoo leaves 24-year-old model partially blind - GidiHit



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Thursday 5 October 2017

Sclera tattoo leaves 24-year-old model partially blind

A Canadian model, Catt Gallinger almost lost one of her eyes after having a sclera tattoo; which means effectively colouring the whites of your eyes with ink.

The story went viral after the 24-year-old model shared the tattooing- gone-wrong post on Facebook.

According to Indiatimes, Gallinger had undertaken the procedure in August, trusting her then-boyfriend, Eric Brown; a body modification artist to safely conduct the procedure of colouring her eyeball purple. It was reportedly meant to contrast with the green of her eyes.

Unfortunately, though, because of “undiluted ink, over injection, not enough/smaller injections sights”, the process took a nasty turn that resulted in multiple hospital visits and almost cost the model her eye.

Gallinger, who already has 25 tattoos on her body, took to social media to spread awareness about how a sclera tattoo can go wrong if not properly researched or executed in the proper way.

She said that body modification was something that she was always interested in, and that many of her friends had successfully gotten sclera tattoos without any ill effects.

Read her first post on the issue below:

For everyone inquiring about my eye.
so this was done by Eric Brown three weeks ago. As it stands I will have to see a specialist and am at risk of being blind if it doesn’t get corrected.
This was caused by undiluted ink, over injection, not enough/smaller injections sights. There are multiple people who can attest that my aftercare was good and any other part of what I am saying.
I am NOT sharing this with you to cause trouble, I am sharing this to warn you to research who you get your procedures by as well as how the procedure should be properly done.
I have been to the hospital three times, I had no furry pets to cause any dander, and I wash my hands every time I do anything with my eye, both before and afterwards.
I was on antibiotic drops for the first week and a half and have been on steroid drops for four days now, with little success at bringing down the internal swelling. The external swelling lasted for almost a week.
The photos show the day of (purple drop), the day after(swollen shut) and now three weeks later. I will add more throughout the process
Just please be cautious who you get your mods from and do your research. I don’t want this to happen to anyone else.
I will be posting updates during the process publicly on my wall.

A few hours ago, the model shared an update of the surgery on her facebook wall and her eyes are recovering well.

She wrote, ” Good News. Surgery has been postponed. My eyesight, as of now and against most odds, has returned. They have taken professional photos at the hospital to monitor the swelling and are continuing me on my newest set of meds to see if it continues to work. I see them again in two weeks to check again. Swelling is down underneath my eye. I will be releasing information on another situation happening later on today. Please be respectful as this person is suffering immensely.”

See her photo below...

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